Month: October 2014
Best In Class: Leith Honda’s “It’s Real” Post About OK Go
To paraphrase Phil Connors, “Well, it’s Friday…again,” which means we’re choosing our favorite Leith blog post from the week. Every Leith store has a blog, and our team of writers work at creating the most compelling, informative, relevant and entertaining posts possible. This week, we’re choosing Leith Honda for their essay about OK Go’s new…
Where Are We On Electric Vehicles?
Electric vehicles are one of the more teasing and elusive challenges for automakers. As a potential—and we use this term optimistically—replacement for gasoline-powered cars, people are used to seeing a lot of hype and hope about electric vehicles. Assuming you’ve seen some headlines but haven’t thoroughly researched the topic, we thought we’d provide a quick…
Cold Temperatures Lead to Low Tire Pressure: What Should You Do?
So you’re on the way out to your car, dressed for work, briefcase in one hand, coffee in the other. It’s been a rough morning and you’re leaving five minutes late, so you’re thinking about possible shortcuts you could take. It’s also been getting progressively colder, and today you can see your breath as you…
Best in Class: 2015 Ford Mustang
Since transitioning our approach to the Leith Cars blog, there’s a much greater appreciation for the quality of blogs posted for all of our dealerships. In many ways, you, our reader (love you guys and gals!), get to benefit the most: our best posts will often be the popular test-drive reviews. This week is the…
Millennials Won’t Have These Five Automotive Experiences
As one of the “older” millennials, I rest directly on the cusp of many generational differences. I was fortunate enough to grow up in a family that believed in tradition, and as a result, I enjoyed – though it was not necessarily enjoyment then – some of the experiences that my peers did not. From…
Best In Class: Chris Leith’s Football Fundraiser
Best in Class is our pick for the best blog of the week. We draw from Leith’s 30+ dealerships, so the competition is high. Enjoy this week’s selection: There are three things we love here at Chris Leith Dodge. In no particular order, those things are: RAM Trucks, high school football, and giving back to…
Why Americans’ SUVs Are Starting to Look Like Station Wagons
A few weeks ago, we were talking with a friend in the market for a pre-owned car. After listening to him talk about what he liked about his previous car—spaciousness, powerful engine, sedan body style, comfort on the interior—we ventured a tentative query: “What do you think about a station wagon?” “A station wagon?” “Yeah.”…
Hybrid Hype: The 2014 Paris Auto Show
Hi. How are you doing this Thursday? That’s great to hear, really great. We wanted to make you aware of some changes going forward in the Leith Cars Blog experience. We’re changing up our formula just a little bit in order to concentrate the quality of our posts here. Rather than spreading out news and…