Month: October 2020
Beach Driving, What You Need to Know
One of the best things about owning a 4×4 vehicle (or a Jeep in my case), is the ability to go just about anywhere. For me, one of the “anywhere” destinations I had always wanted to try, was driving on the beach. Luckily, if you live in the Old North State, we have plenty of…
Car-Buying Preparation
Benjamin Franklin once said, “By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.” What he couldn’t have known, however, was how perfectly the world of car buying supports his theory. After surveying over 1,000 people who had purchased a car in the last two years, we know how important preparatory research is to the car-buying…
Confronting Distracted Drivers
Back-seat driving doesn’t exactly have the greatest reputation. By definition, a passenger gives “unwanted” driving advice. But what if the driver is doing something so preposterous, so dangerous, and so inconsiderate that you simply have to say something? We’d have to say it’s OK to back-seat drive at times, especially after talking to 1,021 passengers…