Best in Class: Jaguar Brings Us Something Other-Worldly

Best in Class presents our favorite blogs published throughout the week from among the many brands we represent. Whether it is an amazing exhaust note or interesting feature, we select an article that should certainly pique your interest – and encourage you to share with your friends. This week’s winner comes from Jaguar Land Rover Cary, and it is something that seems too futuristic to be true.

Jaguar has developed a head-up display, but it’s probably not what you’re thinking. Instead of a cluster or a screen that rises from the dash, it is an advancement that projects pertinent driving information onto the windshield that optimizes your driving experience and safety.

With that being said, here is our Best in Class…


There’s stranger than fiction, and then there’s cooler than fiction. A new information visualization system from Jaguar Land Rover envisions a world where colors and images are projected onto the windshield in front of you like a high-tech scene straight out of a summer blockbuster movie. First, watch the video, then we’ll discuss.

“Jaguar Visual Windscreen” is the projection of helpful information onto your windshield. Not static bits of information like your speed, compass direction, or navigation, though—Jaguar is experimenting with providing elements that will actually help you drive better. This is reminiscent of the invisible hood technology debuted earlier this year for Land Rover, quite useful when headed up a steep incline.

Visual Windscreen offers a variety of aids like showing the ideal path for you to follow. A series of green dashes shows you exactly where to go, all within the boundaries of the road, of course. What’s particularly interesting is JVW’s ability to modify your speed.

Proper driving technique says that you’re supposed to break before a turn instead of in the middle of it, but it’s easy to forget that when on the road. JVW would have those green dashes turn to orange or even red to show when you ought to slow before a turn.

Finally, gesture controls would connect these colorful, 3D representations with a futuristically appropriate input from the driver. While physical buttons are good, people often look down to find them. A system which allowed drivers to keep their eyes up would offer a huge leap in safety.


We’re super excited to see this technology in development and are proud that Jaguar Land Rover is leading the way. We’ll keep you posted.



