What should you do if your check engine light comes on?

check engine light raleigh

If you look up dread in the dictionary, next to the definition you will find a picture of a check engine light. That’s probably how most drivers feel, along with confusion and frustration. If you don’t know what the check engine light means, you’re probably thinking it’s just an omen of lost time and money. That doesn’t have to be the case, and we want to take this opportunity to clear some things up for you.

Why is my check engine light on?

There are several reasons your check engine light might come on while you’re driving or after you’ve started your car.

  • Your catalytic converter is failing
  • There’s a problem with your car’s emissions management system
  • Your gas cap is loose or missing

Those are the big ones, and you probably notice a theme. The check engine light is controlled by your vehicle’s Onboard Diagostics (OBD) system. Modern OBD systems primarily monitor the emissions of your vehicle to ensure it meets industry standards. The OBD system monitors the catalytic converter to make sure it’s removing carbon monoxide and other pollutants from the exhaust, and it also checks whether gasoline vapor might be escaping from the car via a leak.

If the OBD system detects a problem in any of these areas, it will give your car a grace period to try and sort things out on its own. After that, it will let you know with the check engine light.

What if the check engine light is blinking?

This signal indicates a more serious problem. Your engine might be misfiring or worse and needs immediate attention. If you’re driving when this happens, reduce power right away, pull over, and call whoever it is you call when things go wrong. Note: odds of Superman stopping to address your car mishaps are slim.

If the light is solid, it isn’t an emergency, but that doesn’t mean you should ignore it.

light engine check raleigh

How do I turn my check engine light off?

Unless you’re a high level do-it-yourself-er, you probably don’t. You can try tightening your gas cap and seeing if the light goes off after a while. If that doesn’t work, you’ll need to take the car to a professional.

We can’t stress enough that a check engine light should not be ignored. It might indicate a minor problem, but if you decide it’s pretty and a welcome addition to your dash, that small issue could become a big one that will cost you far more than it would have.

As another important note, you can’t pass the North Carolina inspection if your check engine light is on. If your annual inspection is coming up, that’s just another reason not to put off servicing your vehicle.

If you live in North Carolina, you’re in luck. The service technicians at any Leith dealership will be able to diagnose your problem in no time. We’ll tell you what’s wrong and how to fix it, so let us alleviate that dread and confusion. Feel free to call or visit any of our dealerships if you have questions.

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