Think Real Trucks Can’t Be Hybrids? GMC Says Think Again


GMC is outfitting the 2017 Sierra with an optional hybrid system in California, and somewhere the inventor of the Prius is chuckling.

The Prius made hybrid automotive technology mainstream almost 20 years ago and GMC is just now getting around to using the technology in its trucks. Why? Because the Prius has been the butt of an entire Grand Canyon’s worth of jokes, put-downs, and scoffings at the mere idea of, you know, not getting nine miles to the gallon.

What is hybrid technology exactly?

It’s including an electric motor with your gasoline-burning engine. That’s it. Instead of one power source, you have two. This gives you more power. It also means you accelerate from a standstill faster because electric motors deliver 100% of torque immediately, whereas conventional engines deliver peak torque only at higher RPMs.

Hybrid technology means your vehicle also has a second battery, the better to power the electric motor. Once you get driving, regenerative braking will take the friction generated from braking and use that to charge the battery. But when you first start the car, you need a big battery to power the electric motor.

So what are the advantages of hybrids?

The GMC Sierra hybrid is expected to get a 13 percent boost in fuel economy. That is huge. You’ll get much better fuel economy meaning you can do more work before heading to the gas station. And more torque means you’ll do better at hauling, as well.

In addition, less fuel burned means less polluting emissions coming out of your tailpipe, so the crisp mountain air and cold, clear rivers and streams will stay like that instead of turning brown, smoggy, and ruined.

If you really love nature, hybrids are a good way of keeping it the way it was when you grew up.


You can only buy the hybrid Sierra in California this year, but GMC will be watching those purchases closely to decide if they should expand sales to the rest of the country. So if you want to see a Sierra hybrid in North Carolina, order one through Leith Buick GMC!



