Watch This Ford Interceptor Stop Armor-Piercing Rounds

In the movies, you know how people take cover behind cars when gunmen are firing?

In real life, a regular car door won’t be able to stop bullets from coming right through.

Ford, however, has developed new bullet-stopping panels for police and law enforcement vehicles, as you can see in the video above.

While Ford has long built vehicles to law enforcement specifications, the Interceptor shown above is capable of protecting even against armor-piercing rounds.

The secret? A two-stage panel of ceramic to break up the incoming rounds, and then Kevlar plating to stop the remains.

The company representative goes into much more detail about the types of rounds tested, which is good because we would just call them all “bullets.” Nevertheless, for people who fetishize this kind of thing, the level of detail should be enough to sate even the most enthusiastic fan of guns.

This could save a person’s life if they took cover behind the vehicle or even one of its doors, like we see in the movies. The video shows weapon after weapon firing on the Interceptor, often in hypnotic slow-motion, with nary a scratch appearing on the inside door panel. The result is confidence-inspiring.

Of course, if you find yourself in a shooting situation and you don’t have time to ask a police officer if their vehicle has the new armor, the best thing you can do is run. Bullets can travel far distances passing right through fences, drywall, desks and windows, even though people in movies hide behind these all the time.

Your best option is to put as much distance between you and a shooter as possible, so run flat-out for as long as you possibly can, and then run some more.

If you’re a law enforcement official and are interested in this technology, reach out to us at Leith Ford and we’ll get you set up.



