Zero to Sixty: The Jaguar F-Type Having Fun in the Snow

ZeroToSixtyWelcome to a very snowy, icey, Winter Storm PAX edition of Zero to Sixty! We want to start by encouraging you to stay safe and warm, preferably avoiding being on the roads if possible. Assuming you are in a safe location, stay there until the roads are safe to use again.

Now that that’s out of the way, allow us to refresh you on Wednesday’s Zero to Sixty blog series here at Leith Cars. Although this particular Wednesday is a little more memorable than usual, typically Wednesdays are that point in the week where energy levels are flagging, and you need a jolt of energy to get you back where you need to be to finish the week. Our way of contributing to that is to scour the web for a video with enough energy to encourage our motivation.

Today, we thought it would be fantastic to showcase an excellent new car that we’ve written about before, one that’s made a major splash since it was introduced last year, even garnering a top Super Bowl ad. The Jaguar F-Type is a favorite of ours, and we’re always pleased to walk by it at the new Jaguar Land Rover showroom in Cary. The supercharged V8 is a particularly excellent version of it for several reasons, one of the best being its monstrous sound.

As a true roadster and sports car, its engine has exactly the snarl and clash that we love to hear in a V8, and we couldn’t think of a more appropriate way to celebrate that today than by watching a supercharged Jaguar V8 F-Type do donuts in the snow. Enjoy!



