Showroom and Tell: 2014 smart fortwo Electric Drive

Today marks the start of a new month, so we thought it appropriate to select an all-new model for Leith Cars’ Showroom and Tell. The 2014 smart fortwo Electric Drive is a zero-emissions model offered by the same company that introduced the tridion safey cell. Now you can relish the benefits of both a patented safety feature and a state-of-the-art electric motor – but, in North Carolina, only smart center Cary has an inventory of these quality vehicles.


When in the market for an all-electric vehicle, your primary consideration is likely its range. The standard 17.5kWh battery in a smart fortwo Electric Drive can reach a range of 68 gas-free miles with every charge and a combined 107 MPGe, according to EPA estimates. Keep in mind that estimates are just that – estimates; your style of driving, terrain of the road, and other factors affect the vehicle’s range. In fact, you can extend the mileage via timely braking. The ED boasts a regenerative braking system that replenishes the energy expended while driving, as well as a recuperative capability as you coast.

When you’ve found the Electric Drive’s limits, any household socket can act as a charging station with the standard on-board 110-volt charger; however, you may also ask your friends at smart center Cary about a 240-volt Bosch Keba station.

The 2014 smart fortwo Electric Drive generates 74 horsepower and 96 pound-foot of torque, and it can reach 62 MPH from a complete stop in 11.5 seconds. These numbers may not rival a Lamborghini, but your focus – as an eco-friendly, intelligent citizen of the world – is a carbon thumbprint, or lack thereof. The ED fulfills that sense of environmental awareness. Coupled with this engine, and what you may enjoy most about driving this car, is a single-gear transmission that provides instant torque and silky smooth acceleration.


Of course, let us not forget one of the reasons people love the smart brand: its customizability. The vehicle wraps, tridion safety cells, mirrors, and so much more can all be modified to reflect your personality.

If you’re ready to give up the gas-guzzler and go green, then smart center Cary has just the right offer. Stop down any time to speak with one of our brand specialists regarding the 2014 smart fortwo Electric Drive.



