Leith Fully Detailed: 24 Years of Leith Toyota Scion


In our inveterate drive to alert the world to all 33 Leith dealerships, we blog about one in particular every Monday. Will it take more than half the year? Sure; that’s math. We won’t stop though, not for math, not for pollen, early onset summer humidity or even the appearance of summer movie blockbusters so bad they ought to be called brainbusters. This is Leith Fully Detailed.

Our dealership today is Leith Toyota Scion, our one-and-only Toyota band of kinfolk located at the heart of our operational center on Capital Boulevard in Raleigh. Just as the good guys in Star Wars had to have an excellent base on Yavin IV, Leith likes to cluster many of its dealerships on Capital.

Leith Toyota Scion enjoys an excellent heritage thanks to nearly 25 years of relationship with North Carolinians (and even a few non-North Carolinians who slipped in wearing disguises). As a part of the Leith group since 1990, we’ve seen many people come through its doors and have an excellent experience, which is why it endures with such prominence.

Fans of Leith Toyota Scion will know about its diverse community partnerships, like the relationship it enjoys with local dog-rescue operation Saving Grace NC. Rescue operations are typically the provenance of St. Bernards a la the Beethoven films of the 1990s in Himalayan Mountains or some such. Saving Grace, however, provides neglected or abandoned dogs with lots of care and treatment, then matches them with households who are deemed appropriate. It’s a fantastic operation that we’re glad to see thrive.

Few automakers have thrived as much during the past 24 years as Toyota. With more than 200 million vehicles produced and the first automaker to make 10 million a year, Toyota has made a name out of reliability, low costs, and safety features. Leith Toyota Scion augments this with their Lifetime Trust program, an institution of no-cost services for the lifetime of any new Toyota.

We highly recommend looking through the biographies of the dozens of people who work at Leith Toyota Scion, then perhaps browsing the testimonials of people who wanted to leave a favorable review. We hope this makes you feel more comfortable to drop-in on the folks there.



