Zero to Sixty: Nitto Tires Presents “Getting Started”


Normally the Leith Cars video of the week features a short clip of one car going really fast. This week’s video features a multitude of cars that are standing still. It being Wednesday, we like to give you an adrenaline boost to help you clear the hump, but today we’re trying something different. Today we mean to soothe your inner car enthusiast. Watch, but more importantly, listen:

It’s almost hypnotic the way the ignition and engine noises rumble into the soundscape, one after the other. Each car sounds so different, too. They have their own character and their own raison d’être. While a 1965 Ford Mustang or a 1967 Corvette have a pure, mechanical engine sound, the Vorsteiner McLaren MP4 and the Audi R8 sound like they’ve been willfully tuned to perfection. It’s as though the classic cars were forces of nature that we haphazardly harnessed, while the supercars of this era represent our triumph over the craft and a way to create those same forces for ourselves.

All of them are a joy to listen to. With thirty-three different cars from seven different decades, there’s something in this video for everyone. We have the folks at Nitto Tires to thank for putting this video together, and they didn’t do it to sell tires. They did it because they love cars, and that’s why we’re sharing it with you.

If you’re interested in seeing the full list and reading up on a few Easter eggs contained within the video, you can check them out on Autoblog, here.



