Zero to Sixty: 32 Car Name Meanings Explained by Mental Floss


As you know, our Zero to Sixty video of the week series is usually tailored for a quick burst of energy, but every now and then we like to make an exception. This week’s video is a bit longer, but that’s because it’s chock full of knowledge. Specifically, it’s an episode of everyone’s favorite quirky list-based information show, Mental Floss, in which host John Green goes over thirty-two car name meanings.

Green explains the meanings of both car manufacturer names and car model names, and make sure you’re paying attention because he goes through them pretty quickly. Some of the items on the list are simple because they are the named after people or places, but others are more interesting. Do you know, for example, where we get the word Nissan from? What naming theme do the Toyota Corolla and Camry follow? Who was Mercedes? What was the Volkswagen Beetle originally called? If you don’t know now, you’ll know after watching the video.

There are certainly more than thirty-two names in this industry that require explaining. What cars or automakers were left off the list? Post some of your favorites along with an explanation in the comment section.



