Tag: Tutorials

  • New Car? Break Out of the Break-In Period

    Buying a brand new car is an exciting and nerve wracking experience. That new car smell, the tight and responsive steering, and the touchy accelerator enchant your senses… You pull your new car off the lot with extreme care, making sure to come to a complete stop and look both ways like it’s your first…

  • Six Steps to Stop Salt from Hurting Your Car

    The Rust Belt got its name from the large concentration of industry in those states, with much of that concentration related to metalwork and manufacturing. Notoriously severe winters may also have contributed to the name, as the region is a pioneer of using salt and brine to de-ice roads. Salt lowers the freezing-point of water…

  • Winter Driving Tips: Surviving Snowbound Traffic

    Well, this day hasn’t gone as expected. It seems like it’s been a while since we woke up and were surprised by a sudden snowstorm. We can only imagine how much more unpleasant this weather is for people who had already set out on their commute before it started. Hopefully you aren’t stuck at work…

  • Why do automakers camouflage cars?

    If you follow a lot of car news, you’re probably familiar with the cycle that bloggers and journalists go through every time a new car is on its way to the street. There’s the initial announcement, followed by some teased sketches, then maybe a concept car or a prototype, and eventually the production model is…

  • Horsepower vs. Torque: A No Numbers Explanation

    First of all, we’re not going to do any math. Or science. No math or science. This is a numbers-free space. We’re just not going to do it, and you can’t make us. We will apply a Seinfeldian linguistic analysis, however (don’t worry, it will only take a moment). Ahem: What’s the deal with torque?…

  • How to Calculate MPG: How Fuel Efficient Are You?

    You’ve probably noticed the long, laborious disclaimer that shows up any time someone mentions a car’s MPG. You know, the whole spiel about how these numbers are based on EPA regulated testing and actual mileage depends on your personal driving habits and you might not achieve the listed numbers in practice and so on. That…

  • What Is a Crossover?

    What Is a Crossover?

    If you’ve been researching a car lately, you might have come across the term “crossover.” It’s used to describe types of vehicles just like fellow descriptors sedan, truck, coupe, van, convertible, etc. We’ve been seeing crossover used in a lot of different ways so we thought that we’d define what exactly a crossover is. The…

  • How To Take Your Pet On A Road Trip With You

    Many people will be taking road trips over the next few months, even those of us with pets. Whether birds, lizards, hamsters, cats, dogs, or anything else you feel attached to, hitting the road with your buddy can be a fun thing to do. Many people, however, wonder about the best way to bring their…

  • Cold Temperatures Lead to Low Tire Pressure: What Should You Do?

    So you’re on the way out to your car, dressed for work, briefcase in one hand, coffee in the other. It’s been a rough morning and you’re leaving five minutes late, so you’re thinking about possible shortcuts you could take. It’s also been getting progressively colder, and today you can see your breath as you…

  • Best in Class: Jeep’s Longstanding Tradition

    We have a peculiar love of traditions in America. Some are familial while others find their roots in national pride. Italian-American families eat “the seven fish” at Christmas and unwaveringly love Joe DiMaggio and Frank Sinatra. Sports fans at live events stand in solidarity during the national anthem. Whatever the tradition may be, we often…