Zero to Sixty: The Delicate Tracing of Jaguar’s C-Type to F-Type


For today’s Zero to Sixty video, we have a fairly British presentation of the lineage of Jaguar’s sports cars. Starting with the C-Type in the 1950s to the present day F-Type, we were delighted by the cinematography which was not overwrought and the dialogue which was not overwritten. We also appreciate the video’s selection of a V6 F-Type despite auto journalists and producers continued fawning over the V8 S.

Sure, the V8 has viscerality that is natural to gravitate toward, but we can remember way back when the F-Type was first being reviewed. The write-ups then stressed that while the V8 is fun, the V6 S is actually the more balanced car, the better driving car, even though it possesses markedly less horsepower and torque. It’s a perfect example of people being won over by flash and superficial characteristics, the bombshell who draws every eye in the gin joint while the plainer, more competent charm walks by undetected.

It reminds us of a line from Sideways: “I mean, Cabernets can be powerful and exalting, but they seem prosaic to me for some reason. By comparison.”

In any case, enjoy the video and let us know what you think of it in the comments.



