The 1925 Rolls-Royce Phantom Coupe Is Better Than the Bat Mobile

1925 rolls-royce phantom

This may very well be the most beautiful Rolls-Royce to ever Grace our eyeballs. Known around the world for its one-of-a-kind appearance, the 1925 Rolls Royce Phantom I Coupe is one of the few vehicles that become more valuable as time passes.

Last we heard, the couple had been sold to the Petersen Museum for an undisclosed amount, but in 1991, it sold for $1.5 million. According to’s inflation calculator, $1.5 million in 1991 would equal more than $2.6 million today.

We’re glad it’s in a museum, though

The last thing we’d want to see is some rich billionaire wrap this gem around a telephone pole. The museum has already restored the paint and interior, and they’ll continue to preserve this fine vehicle for years to come.

1925 rolls-royce phantom

Plus, they know the history

The 1925 Rolls Royce Phantom was commissioned by a woman in Detroit, but for reasons unknown it never made it to her. Instead, the Phantom was purchased by Raja of Nanpara, an Indian ruler who then sent the Phantom off to Belgium for its new hand-crafted body.

We would know much more about this legendary vehicle had it not been for World War I. All the records detailing who designed it, how much it was worth at the time, and who the vehicle was intended for, were lost sometime during the war. Much of the 1925 Phantom’s past is shrouded in mystery.

1925 rolls-royce phantom

In its hey-day

When the 1925 Phantom Coupe was first created, nothing compared. Its 6-cylinder engine and 4-speed manual transmission could propel it to 100 mph easily, and at speed, the interior was still quiet enough to hold a conversation (which was impressive at the time).

The exterior styling for its era was very out of the ordinary. In an age where most vehicles still looked like boxes on four wheels, the 1925 Rolls-Royce Phantom was all about the curves. Everything from the wheel wells, to the doors look like they were inspired by Willy Wonka himself. And we mean that in the best way possible.

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