Leith Fully Detailed: Jaguar Land Rover Cary


In these Post-Memorial Day times, as Summer looms closer and ties to digital realities seem smaller, we ask the darkness in increasingly warm evenings: What do we know about Leith’s dealerships? Surely that they exist—we have seen their buildings. And their numbers, too—counted up they are more than 30.

A better way to know them, however, is to know their history, their people, and their connection to their communities. To that end our Monday blog series, Leith Fully Detailed, is a brief summary about one dealership every week in the hope that its cheerful spirit might be more widely known.

This week that dealership is Jaguar Land Rover Cary, an institution we have spent some time praising on these pages. As Leith’s sole repository for two storied brands, we note first that Land Rover joined us in 1989 with Jaguar following in 1990.

Most recently the two brands became one in Leith’s eyes by moving into a shared, brand new facility nearby their former facilities. We had a grand party at the time, and were joined by Jaguar USA Executive Vice President of Operations Christopher Marchand to unveil the F-Type Coupe, which at that point was quite a rarity on this continent.

We have, in fact, gotten to know a number of people from JLR Cary thanks to their series of test drive reviews. On their delightfully absurd blog, we have met Brad Manning as he demonstrated the capabilities of the F-Type and Range Rover Evoque. We met Ruben Trinidad as we read the review of the XJR and Ruth Jones with the Land Rover LR4 HSE.

These articles present a candid way to learn the trivial details about Jaguar Land Rover Cary—its grounds, its building, its atmosphere, its vibe—while also letting you meet some of the people who work there, and their manner in doing what they do best.

The warmth and humidity of a North Carolina summer might seem an incongruous time to become acquainted with historically English automobiles, but remember that North Carolina sprang from England’s hip once upon a time, and the thoroughly modern advancement of technology, coupled with the engaging collection of people who work there make Jaguar Land Rover Cary an excellent place to spend one’s time at any point during the year.




