Leith Fully Detailed: Leith Volkswagen of Raleigh


Ready the Twitter. Compose the Facebook. Bring the Google Plus into being. It’s Monday, dear reader, the beginning of the workweek where the afterglow of the weekend end fades and the descent into meetings, memos, and, you know, work, begins.

Despair not. There are some good things about Monday: the inching toward Friday, the initial hour of “catching up on email,” comedy night at Tir Na Nog, the zombie-like inquiries of “how was your weekend,” the confirmation that you actually have something to do besides vegetate in front of a TV, and most relevant to this blog, our Monday series of Leith Fully Detailed.

LFD sounds like a religious acronym, but in fact it is a blog series where we highlight one of our 30-plus dealerships and introduce y’all to one another. Many people don’t know how many far-reaching Leith is, so it can be beneficial to learn the different brands and cities we represent. Today’s example is Leith Volkswagen of Raleigh.

Some of you might know VW of Raleigh from a series of test drives their blog wrote recently. Writers were dispatched to drive and review the Jetta GLI Autobahn, Passat TDI SEL and Beetle Turbo R-Line. These reviews give a wonderful sense of what the dealership is like, as well as introduce you to the people who work there.

Their service manager, Kevin Herbowy, and parts manager, Jimmy Cashwell, are pretty active on their Facebook page, and receptionist Susan Baum is always cheerful when we stop by. We like the modernist, cube-style architecture that suggests the brand’s European headquarters, and the showroom is full of natural light that escapes through a ceiling that seemingly disappears into the sky.

As one of the pre-eminent sellers of diesel vehicles, Volkswagen’s fuel-conscious designs are often better at conserving fuel and extending engine life than hybrid electric vehicles. If you are looking for excellent engineering with a focus on the driving experience, Leith VW of Raleigh is a good place to start.



