Category: Lifestyle

  • Giorgetto Giugiaro: The Car Designer You Don’t Know You Know

    Does the name Giorgetto Giugiaro ring a bell? It probably won’t, but we’d be willing to bet you’ve crossed paths with some of his work. Giugiaro has designed over 100 vehicles for more than 40 different car companies, many Nikon cameras, and even some Apple computer prototypes.

  • We’ll Bring the Napkins: How to Combine a Cookout and a Road Trip

    Don’t you hate trying to find somewhere to get a decent meal on a road-trip? We definitely do. It’s always a struggle – either you stop and eat somewhere relatively healthy, or pull over at an Arby’s and scarf down this month’s mystery-meat special.

  • Here’s What Happens When You Don’t Follow the Racing Line

    Last week, we wrote a story about the racing line and why it’s so important if you’re going to drive fast. Then we wrote about the difference between rear-engine, mid-engine, and front-engine vehicles a few days later. Today, we are greeted with a video that combines these two subjects in a manner that we can…

  • Should You Get an Extended Third-Party Automotive Warranties?

    They come in your mailbox, over the phone, and through your television. It seems no matter where you go, third-party warranty companies are always soliciting. They yell things like: Final Notice, Urgent Request, and Hurry Now, to try and spook you into buying quickly. The question is, should you?

  • Front vs Mid vs Rear Engines – Which is Best?

    Which configuration is the best: front, mid or rear engines? As usual, things aren’t so clear-cut. Each configuration has characteristics that make it good for some applications, but bad for others, so let’s break it all down.

  • Drive Like You Mean It: Hit the Apex of a Turn

    Although the average driver in the United States will spend nearly 38,000 hours (according to Harvard Health Watch) behind the wheel over the course of their lives, most of us never really learn how to drive. That’s why we’re starting the series, Drive Like You Mean It – a weekly installment of blogs meant to…

  • How Much Does Horsepower Matter? Let’s Take a look

    This may be sacrilege, but we’re just going to come out and say it. Horsepower is not that important. It’s essential, but it isn’t the end-all-be-all of car performance. It’s part of the whole – like a sprinter’s right leg. 

  • VW Golf R vs Ford Focus RS Drag Race – Who Will Win?

    If you’ve ever considered buying either a Ford Focus or Golf R, you’ve got to see this video. It’s a half-mile drag race between two evenly-matched vehicles: the Ford Focus RS and the Volkswagen Golf R. The Ford Focus overpowers the Golf R by about 50-horsepower and 60lb-ft of torque, but it’s also a bit…

  • Check Out The 75th Anniversary Jeep Wrangler Salute Concept

    This week, Jeep celebrates its 75th anniversary with a concept car that all Jeep-nuts go crazy for: the Willys MB. If you’re scratching your head right now, don’t worry – we’ll get you up to speed.

  • Ever Wonder Why Spied-Cars Always Look Like Zebras?

    Those black and white paint jobs aren’t some special fashion trend – they actually have a purpose. Much like zebra’s stripes – which scientists theorize were adapted to confuse the eyes of a horsefly – those black and white paintjobs are meant to keep pests away. Only in this case, the pests are automobile-paparazzi.