Ever Wonder Why Spied-Cars Always Look Like Zebras?


Those black and white paint jobs aren’t some special fashion trend – they actually have a purpose. Much like zebra’s stripes – which scientists theorize were adapted to confuse the eyes of a horsefly – those black and white paintjobs are meant to keep pests away. Only in this case, the pests are automobile-paparazzi.

Confusing the eyes 

For years, automakers had been wrestling with the problem of car-paparazzi photographing their super-secret real-world tests of upcoming models. So, in an attempt to keep the spy-photographers from ruining their marketing campaigns, they began investing millions of dollars into finding a solution to this problem.

Renowned car-spy photographer, Brenda Priddy.
Renowned car-spy photographer, Brenda Priddy.

Finally, a double-blind study conducted by the Bavarian Research Organization for Ophthalmological Science (BROOS), found that the eye of an experienced photographer is specially adapted to focus on vibrant color, but not black and white. Thus, automakers began painting their vehicles black and white.

If you clicked either link above, you already know that we’re joking. That’s not why the cars are painted black and white. Don’t believe everything you read on the internet.

The real reason

While the black and white stripes do make it harder for our eyes to identify the shape of an object, their true purpose is to confuse the autofocusing system of a camera.

Most cameras use color to delineate two different objects in a photo. A red apple on a white table has a high contrast, so the camera knows to focus on either the red apple, or the white table.


But when the camera sees the high-contrasting black and white stripes, it can’t identify the car as one separate object from the background. Instead, it sees multiple black and white objects. This throws the camera’s autofocus system off, and produces out-of-focus photos that not even the National Enquirer would pay for.

Shout out to spy-photographers

All kidding aside, as automotive enthusiasts we can’t hate on spy-photographers. They have a pretty difficult job, having to use manual focus and all. Someone should really get them a Pulitzer.

Looking for more distractions? Check out this blog on the newly-legal Nissan Skyline, or this one about why you should shut up and buy a 2017 Honda Ridgeline. We think you’ll like them.

Also, this.






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