The Rolls-Royce SUV: Everything You Need to Know

The first thing you need to know is that it’s going to look better than the Bentley Bentayga. In fact, a Toyota Rav4 looks better than the Bentayga.

The plan to build the Rolls-Royce SUV, also known as Project Cullinan, has been in the works since early 2015, and since it was announced we’ve heard lots of rumblings about its size, capability, and cost. To piece it all together, we decided to compile everything we know about the Rolls-Royce SUV into one place. 

The big question: what will it look like

One Google Images search will return a full page of artists’ best guess at what the Rolls-Royce will look like, but no one really knows. When asked if the new SUV would resemble the Phantom in any way, Rolls-Royce said: “The body may hint at the size of the new car, but it features no design aspects of the eventual high-sided, all-terrain motor car.” Meaning, we can expect to see an SUV with some high side walls, that’s around the same length as a Phantom.

How much will it cost?

“Our strategy is that we will never offer a car priced lower than Ghost,” says Rolls-Royce CEO Torsten Müller-Ötvös. The Rolls-Royce Ghost starts just under $300k, and the Phantom costs just over $400k, so we’re guessing the new Rolls-Royce SUV will be priced somewhere in the $350,000 – $400,000 range. Not more than the Phantom, but more exclusive than the Ghost and Wraith.

Will it really be an SUV?

The SUV will definitely be an all-terrain vehicle, but will it also have a magic carpet ride? We certainly hope so. Just imagine drinking a glass of Dom Perignon in the back seat of the Rolls-Royce SUV, while traversing the hilly countryside of Goodwood, England. According to Rolls-Royce, “The customer will experience the same unrivalled ride quality on loose surfaces and challenging terrain as they do on the road today.”

There’s a lot we don’t know

Basically, we have nothing but hints from Rolls-Royce to work with, but those hints do help us craft a mental-image of what the SUV might look like. Hopefully we’ll get some updates on this great vehicle soon.

In the meantime, let’s make some guesses at the name! Leave us a comment on Facebook with your best guess at what the Rolls-Royce SUV will be called.






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