New BBC Top Gear Flops – Amazon Reveals Name of New Show

Last Sunday, BBC finally aired the first episode of Top Gear sans Richard Hammond, James May, and Jeremy Clarkson. The feedback on the first show has been pretty harsh. And in what some might call a defensive move, new host Chris Evans immediately took to Twitter to support his new show.

Sure, numerically the show may have been a success, but the critics remain unconvinced. Freddy Hernandez at Jalopnik writes: “Both LeBlanc and Evans seemed like they weren’t fully invested in Top Gear;” and, “If this episode is any indicator of what’s in store for fans like me, I’ll be the first to say: May Top Gear rest in peace, long live The Grand Tour.” 

Before we get to The Grand Tour, though, we want to mention Extra Gear. Extra Gear is the “Top Gear after show,” that’s meant to give viewers a behind the scenes look at Top Gear, featuring unseen footage and exclusive interviews with the presenters.

For the most part, critics are saying that Extra Gear seemed much more natural, laid-back, and was in many ways more entertaining. So if anything, maybe just tune-in for the after show. Anyway back to The Grand Tour.

The Grand Tour

“What’s that?” You may be wondering. That, is the name of Hammond, May, and Clarkson’s new Amazon series! The Grand Tour will feature 12-episodes a season and air sometime this Autumn.

Okay, so the name doesn’t exactly jump out and grab you, but it’s meant to reflect the global ambition of the show. Much like the original Top Gear, each episode will consist of mini-films and in-studio commentary. Only this time the studio portion will be filmed in a new location every episode. That means Hammond, May, and Clarkson might turn up in your town with a tent, looking for audience members to embarrass.

If that sounds like something you might be interested in, check out the link below in Jeremy Clarkson’s tweet.

And as always, let us know what you think about The Grand Tour and the new Top Gear. We can’t wait to hear your feedback.






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