Have No Idea What Uber/Lyft is? Here’s How it Works

With so many headlines including Uber and Lyft these past few days, some of you might be wondering what these words are/mean/say. So, here’s the lowdown.

Uber and Lyft

Uber and Lyft are both “ride-sharing” services. Ride-sharing is best explained as freelance taxi driving. Uber, Lyft, and other ride-sharing services provide the platform to connect people who need rides, with people who are equipped to give rides. In this case, that platform is an app on your phone.

Being a passenger

To use these services as a passenger, you’ll just need to download the app, launch it, make an account, enter your desired destination, and request a ride. A driver near you will assign themselves to your request and you will be alerted by the app that someone is in-route to pick you up. From there, it’s smooth sailing. The driver will pick you up, take you to your destination, and drop you off. The transaction is handled completely through the app, so you won’t need to travel with cash or even with your card. It’s typically cheaper than a Taxi, and the drivers’ tend to make more money.

Being a driver

To become a driver for these ride-sharing services, you’ll have to submit some information about your vehicle, driving history, and insurance. They do this to control the quality of rides provided and the safety of their passengers, but typically you can sign up and start driving in less than two business days.

Once you’ve been approved, you get to drive whenever you want. Some companies give bonuses for making a certain number of drives per day, but you’re never required to drive. Uber claims you can make $14.25/hr driving, and some reports show Uber drivers making even more.

Some days – usually holidays – the cost of these ride-sharing services will increase for the passengers because of an increased demand for drivers. This is called “surging.” If you’re a driver, surging means more money for you, so pick busy times like Monday near Raleigh-Durham International Airport, or downtown Raleigh on St. Patrick’s Day.


It’s a great service for both the drivers and riders, and now you know what it is! Try it out next time you need a cab. We’re confident you won’t be disappointed.






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