Don’t Be Silly – Buy the 2017 Honda Ridgeline

2017 Honda Ridgeline
2017 Honda Ridgeline

Right now, most of you are scoffing at this headline – you may even be offended by it. Good. It was meant to challenge everything you think you know about the 2017 Honda Ridgeline. Be honest with yourself, how much do you really know about it?

Fighting this battle is about as fruitful as declaring that Coke is better than Pepsi (it isn’t), but we’ll do it anyway. The 2017 Honda Ridgeline is a great truck – even if it’s not the truck for you – and we think most people will agree once they know more about it.

So let’s get into it

We’re not going to recite the specification sheet, because you can do that on your own time. Instead, we’re going to list a few features that really set this truck apart from others on the market.

In-Bed Trunk

Unlike other trucks, the 2017 Honda Ridgeline features a trunk below the truck bed. It’s large, and it can also double as a cooler – what could be cooler?

2017 Honda ridgeline
Cold brews my dudes

In-bed audio system

 Working outside or tailgating with your friends? Flip on the in-bed audio system, and let all your friends scratch their heads looking for the speakers. This feature is one of our favorites because it uses some very unique technology in a way we’ve never seen before. We guarantee it won’t be long before all trucks are sporting this technology. This video does a great job of explaining and demonstrating how it works if you’re interested.

Dual-action tailgate

Have you ever pulled your tailgate down only to realize you can’t reach far enough into the bed of your truck to get what you need? This dual-action tailgate solves that issue by swinging out like a barn door, rather than just folding down. You’ll be able to reach further into the truck, and it’ll save you a few trips to the chiropractor.

2017 honda ridgeline                                                     

In-bed power inverter

Want to hook your TV up without a hassle at your next tailgate? The Honda Ridgeline can help. Just plug it into the truck bed’s 150W. Need power for your jig saw? Plug it right in and get to cutting.

The Ridgeline’s cabin

Honda understands that for most families, trucks are for work and play. With that knowledge, they’ve built a comfortable and spacious cab with room for five adults and plenty of safety equipment. Everyone will have their own space and they’ll all be safe in the Ridgeline – what more can you ask for?

2017 honda ridgeline

We could keep going

But what we’re really trying to get at is this: the 2017 Honda Ridgeline is an expertly-designed truck. It’s powerful, comfortable, and intelligent, with multiple unique features you won’t find in any other truck on the market. Want to know more? Check it out here! You won’t be disappointed.

If you’ve already counted it out, we dare you to come and test drive it. One afternoon with the Honda Ridgeline, and you’ll be wondering why you’d ever buy another truck.






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