Raleigh’s Weekend Forecast: Prepare for Some Great Weather

Raleigh Forecast

Staying in town this weekend? You picked a good one for it. We’re in for nothing but sunny skies and high temperatures. You’ll still have plenty of chances to watch the clouds roll by, but with lots of blue sky in the backdrop. Here’s exactly what’s to come.

Friday, July 7th

With a high of 97° and a low of 76°, Friday has the potential to be an awesome day. Maybe cut out of work a bit early and head to a pool or go take a walk at Lake Johnson. The sun sets around 8:30, so even if you can’t cut out of work early you can still make it to your favorite spot in time to watch it go down. We recommend the NC State James B. Hunt Library, or Boyland Bridge.

Raleigh Forecast

Saturday, July 8th

If you’re lucky enough to have the day off on Saturday, we recommend spending it outside. It’s going to be hot, at 96°, but there will be a few clouds in the sky for some periodic shade. Maybe take a blanket out to Lake Raleigh and lay out on the hill, or grab a few friends and check out the Eno River Rock Quarry. We highly recommend it if you like swimming.

Raleigh Forecast

Sunday, July 9th

For the third day in a row, it’s going to be beautiful. Can you remember the last weekend in Raleigh it didn’t rain a single time? Neither can we. Anyway, with a slightly-cooler high of 91°, Sunday will also be a good day to get outside. Although, if you spent all day in the sun on Saturday, you may need Sunday to recharge your batteries. But whether you decide to brave the great outdoors or stay in and watch Netflix, the weather isn’t about to hold you back.

Have fun this weekend and remember to be safe! Wear your sunscreen, tell someone where you’re going, and drink lots of water. You’ll thank yourself for it come Monday.






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