The 13 Most Common Car Warning Lights You Need to Know

car warning lights

People call us all the time trying to describe the warning lights in their car. We hear things like: “It looks like a stopwatch with an exclamation point in it.” Or, “it looks like a sideways taco with a squiggly line beside it.” So, to help out all our wonderful customers, we decided to write about the 13 most common car warning lights.

car warning lights 1. Steering Lock

Steering lock is an essential theft-prevention feature in a vehicle. It activates whenever the wheel, or the tires are turned while the key is not in the ignition. That means no one willbe cruising away with your vehicle. If you get in your car and see that your steering lock light is on, there’s a chance that someone attempted to turn the wheels in your vehicle.

 2. The Battery Lightcar warning lights

The battery light is an indication that your charging system isn’t working properly. It’s normal for cars to display this light upon start-up, but if it persists or if your car won’t start, you definitely have a problem. Typically, it’s an issue with the battery, but it could also be a problem with the battery, voltage regulator, or wiring in your car, or the alternator. Electrical problems can be tough, so if you’re having trouble come pay us a visit.

car warning lights 3. Adaptive Headlight System

An adaptive headlight system adjusts the direction of your headlights as you turn. That means that as you round a corner, the headlights start to turn in the direction you’re going. If this light is on in your car, it probably means this system is no longer turning – your actual headlights should be fine.

airbag light 4. Airbag and Seat Belt System

This light is important to get checked out. You want malfunctioning safety equipment in your vehicle about as much as you want fire ants in your vehicle.


car warning lights 5. Windshield Washer Fluid

Oddly enough, this indication light kind of looks like a happy monster with a savage under bite. Which is ironic, because a happy monster with an under bite really isn’t all that consequential, and neither is being low on windshield washer fluid. Just go to an AutoZone and buy some more, open up your hood, and refill it.

car warning lights 6. Anti-Lock Brake System

Anti-lock brakes keep your car from skidding whenever you hit the brake pedal – skidding is not an effective method of braking. If this light is on, there’s a problem with your braking system so don’t delay on this one.


car warning lights 7. Automatic Gearbox

This light means that you have a problem with your automatic transmission. If this light comes on, you probably already know your transmission is messed up.


car warning lights 8. Brake Lights

You’ve got a burned out brake light. Go get that replaced before you get pulled over for no reason.


car warning lights 9. Bulb Monitoring

You’ve got a burned out head light. Replace it for obvious reasons.


car warning lights 10. Electronic Stability

If this light is on, your car’s computer is no longer helping to keep the car stable when you turn. It’s still drivable, but we’d recommend you drive it straight to the shop. But before you do, make sure you didn’t accidentally turn off the traction control.

car warning lights 11. Emissions Control

Also known as the check engine light, this could light could indicate a lot of different problems. You may have a bad oxygen sensor, a problem with your engine compression, or your gas cap may not be screwed on tight enough. The best thing to do is to go to the shop and get the issue diagnosed. There’s just no telling with this light.

car warning light 12. Engine Oil Level

This light indicates that your oil levels are low. Either your vehicle is leaking oil, or you’re long overdue for an oil change.

People call us all the time trying to describe the warning lights in their car. We hear things like: “It looks like a stopwatch with an exclamation point in it.” Or, “it looks like a sideways taco with a squiggly line beside it.” So, to help out all our wonderful customers, we decided to write about the 13 most common car warning lights.

tire pressure monitor 13. Tire Pressure Monitoring

Last but not least, here’s a light many of us will be seeing as the winter months start to roll in. When the temperature drops, the air contracts and the pressure decreases. So, if you filled your tires up in the summer, you might be seeing this light before Christmas.

There you have it. If you know all these lights, you won’t have to go Googling when one of them switches on in your car. Although, you probably Googled to get here, so… anyway, drive safe, have fun out there, and keep your car healthy! It’s worth it.



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