LeithCars.com News & Research

  • This 5-Minute Read Will Save You Hours This Year

    Do you want to spend less time driving? According to a Harvard Medical study, the average American spends 101 minutes behind the wheel each day, which is about 525 hours a year. Life’s short – want to spend it doing something more interesting?… Us too. Here’s how to cut down on your time in the…

  • Do You Hate It When People Tailgate You? Here’s What To Do

    Tailgating is deplorable. It’s unsafe, unnecessary, and universally frowned upon – even aliens don’t do it. Yet somehow, we’ve all found ourselves in this situation: you’re in the right lane on a four-lane highway, and someone is riding your tail. There’s plenty of room to go around you, but for some reason the tailgater refuses…

  • What Does Raleigh Mean to You?

    Lots of people are moving to Raleigh and its surrounding towns and cities. Like, a lot. To make room for our new neighbors, roads are getting widened, abandoned buildings are getting repurposed, and more housing is being developed.

  • QUIZ: If You Were a Jeep, Which Jeep Would You Be?

    If you had two headlights instead of two eyes, four wheels instead of two legs, ran on petroleum instead of cheeseburgers, and were a Jeep, which one would you be? Our quiz will take its best guess by digging deep into your personality, and matching it with the right Jeep. Try to answer honestly, and…

  • 2016 Ford GT Crushes the Competition in California

    After considerable growing pains, the 2016 Ford GT has finally secured a first-place victory at this weekend’s Continental Monterey Grand Prix, powered by Mazda.

  • The Mercedes-Benz 300 SL Made Gullwing Doors Cool

    The average price for a Mercedes-Benz 300SL is between $1,000,000 – $2,500,000. In 2012, an ultra rare all-aluminum body 300 SL sold for $4,620,000 million, which is just 1 of 29 ever built. That’s some big money, so what justifies the price tag? What makes the 300 SL one of the most coveted classic cars…

  • Honoring An American Icon: The Jeep Cherokee XJ

    This year is Jeep’s 75th anniversary, and that means it’s the perfect time to look back at some of the classic Jeep vehicles that are sure to fill you with nostalgia. We figured there was no better vehicle to start with than with the Jeep Cherokee XJ, so let’s dive into what made this one…

  • Four Incredible Rolls-Royce Videos to Distract You from Work

    1. 60 Pairs of Hands You can’t build a Rolls-Royce overnight; This kind of elegance takes time, care, and the meticulous attention to detail that only a master craftsman can supply. It takes 60 pairs of hands and 450 hours to create one, but only two and a half minutes to watch this video.

  • Build Your Own Porsche 718 Without Spending a Dime

    The world of car-configuration is hit or miss. Sometimes you get to configure every option imaginable; other times “customization” means you get to pick the colors. Luckily for us, the Porsche 718 Cayman configurator is a hit.

  • The BMW Logo is Not What You Think it Is

    Let us guess, white airplane propellers over blue skies? Wrong, wrong, and wrong! Sorry, but that rumor you’ve been spreading about the BMW logo is far from the truth. And unfortunately, the truth is much more mundane. Where does the BMW logo come from? The alternating blue and white quarters of the BMW logo are…